Thursday, 26 March 2020

जूठन Autobiography - Omprakash Valmiki

A Great milestone in dalit Literature which is rewarded at various stages. An autobiography of Om prakash valmiki (जूठन) is must read for every one who want to know about the condition of dalit in independent India.
About the book-
जूठन comes in two part - 
In First Part - It deal with the life of Om prakash valmiki, when where and in which condition he was born and live? The atrocities of life he face in childhood and adolescent. In which environment a whole dalit community is forced to live?
In Second Part - After the death of vibrant prime minister and with new young leadership in command, the Omprakash valmiki write about the journey of his life in ordinance factory job in dehradun.
This is time when he face more pain and suffering from his colleagues which are on the same post as him but with different caste. With different varna systems in community and he comes from the dalit society, he fight with the life and overcome them.
THIS book in real sense a great journey of dalit man who live a life with many challenges in his life. 
To quote him - Really to write जूठन is not less than facing torture. Every word of जूठन revive my wounds more, which i want to forget. 

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